Charcoal Water Fusain Watercolor Renesans, 60 ml
Is made of melted charcoal and arabic gum. The particles of charcoal are small and have the richest black tones, which enables to create any work just then same as with a water-based paint. As the charcoal particles are larger than other pigments used in watercolors, the effect you get is graininess. It can be effected by more rough paper used and by the amount of water added. When dry it is matt and will have varying areas of texture and granulation. As the arabic gum is a good re-soluble medium it allows to re-use Charcoal Water, similarly to watercolor paints. Main features: - perfect for both bold as well as for delicate works - suitable for artists who draw as well as for watercolourists, maybe used for drawing and painting - ideal as an extra paint for watercolour black shades, to enrich the palette of colours - huge range of tones you may create with one brush stroke, from velvet black to light grey, with blue and brown undertones - allows to create variety of texture and granulation - compared with black watercolour paint, shows difference in the pigment granulation, which is useful for special effects or for verying shades when mixed with other paints - can be water re-activated when dry - can be used wet or dry - can be applied with different brush and other paining tools as well as with fingers - can be used with any absorbent surfaces, such as watercolour papers, canvases and panels previously covered with watercolour ground. - for finished work safety it is recommended to use a fixative